So how else do you tell if someone doesn’t really like you? Check your text chats with them and observe two things. If you type long sentences and they respond in not more than 5 words, they are probably not that interested. The other thing that can make it clearer, try asking them 2 or 3 linked questions in a text. Like for example, “Hey Good Morning. So are you still interested in learning French? There is a spot in the evening session. Do you want to join the French class? ” And if they respond to only that part of the conversation which requires minimal interaction and ignore the part which requires a longer conversation, that’s your clue to know that don’t want to be involved with you. So if the response to all those long questions is just “Good Morning” and the rest of the French class question is being ignored, well, you are probably being asked to take a hike ! Want to get a clearer hint than that? Try typing your question again (even though you know the question was read by them the first time ) “Do you want to join the French class?” and if they don’t respond at all or respond to it the next day, no matter what’s the response, it is an affirmation that they don’t want to be associated with you.
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